Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Middle Toenail Fell off... is it okay to paint the skin underneath until it grows back?

Or, will it hinder re-growth?

My Middle Toenail Fell off... is it okay to paint the skin underneath until it grows back?
I agree with loveless. Wait a day or two until the skin does not feel tender to the touch and then paint away. But if it stings when you do, wait a little longer.

It will not hinder regrowth. Nails grom from the roots at the back o f the toenail

A more important question is why did the nail fall off??
Reply:if you wait a few days or even 1 day the skin will harden to be like a toe nail then its fine to paint it.. not a good idea if its still an open wound though
Reply:Not only is that a bad idea, but if you do that and your paint gets into the wound you will play hell getting it out as the nail regrows. in short, don't be stupid. Use a band-aid instead.
Reply:Your risking one hell of an infection, leave it be till the nail grows back. Keep it clean and add first aid cream and let it grow back.
Reply:Don't paint the nail bed. Instead, try a flesh colored bandaid, and paint that to look like a polished nail. unless they look really close, no one will be able to tell the difference.
Reply:it COULD hinder regrowth....see..... the real question here is why ur nail fell off in the first place.... if you paint the could get down into the nail bed or nail matrix..which is the area of growth..and then it may never grow back....just wear closed toed shoes


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