Thursday, July 22, 2010

Blackhead swelling on nose?

i just popped a blackhead on my nose and theres like this large swelling on the side of my nose. its really bad and it seems like its a growth under the skin.the size of the side of my nose is very large than the other. any answers will help thank you.

Blackhead swelling on nose?
I think you should go to a dermatologist if it gets worse just keep a close watch on it.
Reply:Use vitchy it works so good u should try it
Reply:Whenever you extract something its going to naturally swell for a couple eyes because you were picking and pushing it. ice it and it'll go away.
Reply:USE ICE RIGHT AWAY TO TAKE DOWN THE SWELLING! Then if it's red, use some eye drops to take out the redness. It does the same for zits as it does for eyes. Then just use concealer. But make sure you ice it!
Reply:Now you know next time don't pop it let it be it will go away.
Reply:take 3parts peroxide and one part alcohol and cotton balls and apply as often needed.
Reply:When that happens to me, i wash it really good throughout the day and finally before i go to bed, i wash it again and the swelling and redness will sure go down before morning.
Reply:An ice cold compress will do the trick; apply it to the swelling immediately.

Also, drink at least 100 oz. of water daily, this will lessen the appearance of the growth.
Reply:sounds interesting! i didnt quite get your description of what it looked like but maybe i can help. My mom says that when you have a zit, pimple or blackhead on your skin that you should scrub your face with a warm washcloth, it seems to work for me, you should try it.

good luck, hope my advice helped

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