Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dog has an interdigital cyst?

or that's what my vet told me as i described it on the phone. I noticed yesterday that she had a red bump on her paw between the first and second digits. Upon closer examination i can see that it's a red bump that was bleeding a bit then underneath that was a larger bump that looks just like a growth under the skin (i.e cyst). I called the vet and said she had a bump on her paw in between her toes and right away they said that's what it was.

Has anyone else had this with their dog? What should i expect? Will she need surgery (vet said just keep and eye on it and if i'm concerned bring her in)? It doesn't seem to bother her at all, but am a little concerned about her getting an infection.

Dog has an interdigital cyst?
Haha, don't be worried at all =p What should you expect? Well.. They'll probably drain it and give you some cream to put on it to prevent infection.

Anyway, if I were you, I'd go the cheapo way out and dump peroxide on it every now and then.

Draining is ewww though, because it smells so bad, you'll wanna barf.
Reply:I have seen a number of my clients' dogs with interdigital cysts. If this has not happened before, you may want to think about what is different in your dog's enviroment. I have had clients put down mulch and their dog has broken out with interdigital cysts! I have seen carpet fresh and baby powder as an irritant that caused them. I have had dog's put in crates that have grates in them and the dogs feet broke out, due to friction.

Some breeds are more susceptable to them. I see a lot of Boxers and Bulldogs with them.

Sometimes, they have to be surgically removed. If this is necessary, I highly recommend pathology so you can know the cause of it.

Good luck and see your veterinarian if the cyst does not resolve.


Dr. Tracy

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