Saturday, July 24, 2010

Can I do this? ????? Please answer and if you are willing t try for me then plz because i nvr tried this.?

okay . I want to try body sugaring and so can you leave it on your skin for a while till it hardens on your skin and cools and then take it off with nopain? Is thsi true , can some very kind person out there try it for me with the way i say . like letting the paste harden then take it off. Explain in detail please, like if it hurts more that way or just ripping it off like normal/? and stuff please. Its just that Im kinda scared of waxing but shaving leaves dots and stuff and I want to try waxing. here is the recipe. please god bless

HAIR REMOVER - BODY SUGARING Juice of 1/2 a lemon

1 cup sugar

1/4 cup honey


clean cloth cotton strips

wooden stick or spreader

Dust the area to be waxed, with cornstarch. Combine the first three ingredients in a clean glass bowl, and microwave for two minutes. Stop and stir your sugar mixture every 20-30 seconds. Let it cool to a comfortable warmth, and, using a wooden stick, spread a very thin layer onto your clean skin. Immediately cover the mixture with a strip of cotton fabric. Briskly stroke the strip several times in the direction of the hair growth, and then, pull the skin taut, and quickly rip away the cotton strip, against the direction of hair growth. As you proceed, you may need to reheat your sugar mixture in the microwave to keep it warm. Do not boil it or overheat as you could easily burn your skin.

Can I do this? ????? Please answer and if you are willing t try for me then plz because i nvr tried this.?
Reply:I've never tried it myself, but I have heard of people doing this sucessfully. GIve it a test shot on a part of your skin that won't show to see how your skin reacts. I would say not to let it cool all the way. Smooth it on in the direction your hair grows, put the strip on and smooth that down gently again the way your hair grows, then with one hand hold your skin taught so it would be pulled up with the strip and quickly pull the stip in the opposite direction of hair growth. ** Make sure you don't pull straight up. That will hurt. Pull at an angle. An angle which looks like you're almost folding the strip in half when you rip it off if that makes sense. I wax at home with Sally Hansen microwave wax (about $9 at the drugstore), and its surprsingly painless and really easy to use if you ever decide to give waxing a shot. Its got a formula which grabs the hair but doesn't pull your skin up with it. Good luck with your sugaring, and remember to keep some some baby oil handy incase your hands start to get sticky.

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