Saturday, July 24, 2010

Small rice shape lump near surface of pen$s, is it a callous?

This is a bit embarressing, but my concern far outweighs any shame I have.

I think my self pleasuring may have done something to my pen$s. A few months ago, I developed what looked like a small scab, or a callous on the shaft. That callous went away, but now I have a strange growth near the surface of the skin in the same spot as the callous. The growth is hard to the touch, in the shape of a grain of rice, but smaller and thinner. I once scratched at it, broke the skin, and squeezed out the small substance. It was a white, very odorous, pasty substance. Even after having squeezed out all the substance, the spot will resume growing from a small speck to a small piece of rice sized object. What do I have? How can I get rid of it?

Small rice shape lump near surface of pen$s, is it a callous?
just a pimple or it could be a cyst
Reply:sounds like it is infected and i hate to say it but you need to see the doctor
Reply:Dude, its your d#%k, get it looked at, its the only one youll have
Reply:Hmmm... well you didn't mention if you are sexually active. But based on your description, it sounds like it might be a molluscum. do a google image search and see if it looks like it.

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