Thursday, July 22, 2010

10 things you have learned from working a job (any/all jobs)???

This should be fun :)

1. If you're a supervisor, you must come to work dressed nice, walk around and do nothing but look important all day.

2. In order to work in a hotel/residential building, you need to shave every day, regardless of your facial hair growth rate and/or skin conditions.

3. You must involuntarily work overtime, on your days off especially, if you want to keep your job, even if it's against the law.

4. It's okay to lie to customers about calling them back when you work in a call center.

5. When you have a job at a luxurious apartment building, there will always be an older, grey-haired doorman guy who's been there for a long time, never gets picked on and is always very well-liked by the superintendent.

6. Resumes must always be in PDF or Word attachments otherwise they should be copy/pasted in body of e-mail.

7. It never matters why you are late or absent, even if you are telling the truth.

(my last three below)

10 things you have learned from working a job (any/all jobs)???
Reply:1. Calling in sick is not acceptable.

2. There's always one person who gets away with anything.

3. Raises are not based on performance.

4. If you work extra hours, you don't get paid for it.

5. If you don't work 40 hours, you don't get paid for it.

6. Staying home with sick children is not acceptable.

7. Never use more than one week of vacation at a time.

8. All doctor's appointments must be on Saturdays.

9. Even if there is a foot of snow on the roads, you must be at work on time.

10. Sick leave should never be used.

elephant foot

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