okay here are the details
i have been having itch attacks all over my body but the worst affected area is my groin
i feel like scratching like there's no tomorrow and that is leaving marks on my penis and my scrotum and horrible rashes with bumps
they have started to go away but 2 bumps that are parts of rashes on the head of the penis show a little green growth often. i think it is fungus. i somehow squeeze it out (yes i know it sounds unreal but i do).
but what is my medical condition? what do i do? please help!
i have tried using moisturizer to ease the itching but it doesnt do much help for long
My groin has started itching horribly lately and furious scratching has resulted in rashes on my skin. Help?
sounds like a vd. Go see a doctor, it won't go away by itself.
Reply:go to the local pharmacy and get some jock itch medicine. then go home and wash all your linens and cloths in extremely hot water. apply ointment 3 times a day for at least 2 weeks. wear snug fitting briefs to help control moisture. make sure that when you get out of the shower that you are completely dry before putting on clothes. a hairdryer can be extremely useful in making sure your dry all over. and i have had a few patients tell me that it helps with the itching too. use cream and not spray because the spray has alcohol in it and that can burn like hell on your nads. good luck. scrub your shower. if you don't notice a marked difference in 3 to 4 days, go to your doc. and stop scratching because it will only spread and get infected. and don't worry.... it's not vd. that's stupid. it might be herpes but that (like vd) tends to burn and not itch.
Reply:go to the doctor you idiot! If you arent embarrassed to spout this on the internet ,you shouldnt be embarrassed to tell your doctor.
The doc will know how to treat it better than anyone on the internet.Dont be a dumbie go to the doctor.In this case free advice may not be good,and you run a real risk of something more serious happening.
Reply:You have an infection - see a doctor. In the UK there are special STD clinics you can go to anonymously. I had something similar - I fixed it with an anti bacterial cream - not before my underwear stuck to my testicles and I had to peel the skin off! Ouch!
Reply:You could have crabs (body lice). Get special shampoo and body wash at the pharmacy section. Also, ask them if they have something that you can spray on furniture, etc. to kill crabs.
You could have scabies. Scabies is like human mange. The doctor can give you a special cream to put on which should kill the mites.
You could have caught mange from petting an infected animal. Mange and scabies are both caused by tiny mites which burrow under the skin. Having mange or scabies doesn't mean that you are a nasty person. Mange too can be treated by your doctor.
You could also have a food allergy. I tried using bee pollen as a dietary supplement for a few days once. After a few days of intense and terrible rectal itching, along with other itchy patches all over my body, I realized that it was the bee pollen causing it. i stopped eating it, and the itching stopped in a couple of days.
It could be allergy to an ingredient in your lotion, soap, shampoo, etc.
It could be an allergy to wool, but I doubt you are wearing wool underwear.
Some wicked person could have put ithing powder in your clothing. (Itching powder is finely crushed glass.)
If you have mange or scabies: garlic juice or oil applied to the skin a few times a day may help. Mites are killed by sulphur, and garlic has a high sulpur content. I would not use straight sulphur on your skin, as it will probably make you ill. But garlic is okay, however it will burn like hell on irritated skin for a few minutes. I wouldn't put it on your penis, but anywhere else is okay.
You should definitely be using antibiotic ointment on your penis, and change the bandage every time you urinate.
In the military, when some of the guys get mites, they smear vaseline all over their bodies, and reapply often throughout the day. It smothers the mites. but bear in mind that it must be done for a few days, as they lay their eggs under your skin, and when they hatch, the babies will chew their way out. When they do, they will smother in the vaseline.
Also, go to your healthfood store, and get a bottle of eucalyptus essential oil. Put one teaspoon of it in a pint or quart jar with at least 10 ounces of water in it (more is fine). Put the lid on it and shake it up, and pour it into the washing machine with the laundry. mix a new batch and use it for every load of laundry you wash for a couple of weeks. It will kill bedbugs and dust mites, so hopefully it will at least repel mange or scabies mites.
Reply:It sounds VERY reminiscent of a condition I had erratically for about fifteen years.
Through out this time Doctors had no permanent solutions.
Nor did either of the nurses I had relationships with.
I used moisturisers and anti-acne creams to provide temporary soothing relief -- particularly in hot, humid weather.
Finally I found a permanent solution -- or rather cream!
You mention "itch attacks all over my body": including between the toes?
In my case I had Athletes Foot -- a fungus. The same fungus causes Jock Itch.
I used Lamisil Anti-fungal cream (terbinafine hydrochloride)applied daily for a week (10 days to be sure) for total eradication. No more problems.
I still apply it occasionally as a preventative when I remember.
Hope this helps.
Reply:dude i would say u got syphillis is its a rash. disgusting! umm go to a doctoor A.S.A.P!
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