I see many posts ridiculing mature women on this forum. Some of these middle-aged women are going through or have gone through menopause. However, men go through a similar transition:
"There is a basic set of identifiable symptoms which signal changes in hormones. These symptoms include some of the same symptoms women experience:
Diminished sexual drive
Urinary changes
Lack of energy
Decrease in strength and/or endurance
Lost height, back pain
Decreased “enjoyment of life”
Irritability, anger, and grumpiness
Depression or withdrawn
Erections less strong
Deterioration in sports ability
Falling asleep after dinner
Decreased work performance
Joint aches and stiffness of the hands
Premature aging
Changes in hair growth and skin quality
Loss of physical fitness, weight gain, and “beer” bellies
Hot flashes
Increased anxiety
Loss of self esteem
Decreased memory and/or concentration"
Why are only menopausal women ridiculed? Why not menopausal men too?
Andropause (male menopause): why don't men want to talk about it? Do they even know it exists?
Interesting post, and thinking of men I know and have known, the symptoms you describe make a lot of sense.
It's interesting how many men are replying in total denial ~ yet the 'Viagra' industry for so-called 'erectile dysfunction' (an age related consition) is so popular it has become the stuff of jokes.
One of the things 'radical' feminists have been saying for years is that men are seriously short changed by a societal expectation which drives them to refuse to acknowledge weakness, pain, disability and anxiety, building up stress which leads to early onset of conditions like heart disease.
Unfortunately for men (who complain here regularly that women won't do anything about male problems) only men can change this, by refusing to act the part of their own stereotypes.
Hopefully the coming generation will be more aware than the older ones.
Cheers :-)
Reply:Didn't`t hear that word ever.
Reply:Never heard of this in a man, and actually never seen it... I've heard of a mid-life crisis when you decide to buy a Harley.
Reply:I know it can exist. I have talked about it. I am a man. A simple testosterone test can be taken by a man if the above things are happening to him. It could also be major depression - which is what I am experiencing right now. Men can also take Hgh - the REAL human growth hormone - not some silly pill from the health store. Hgh can actually reverse a lot of the "symptons of aging."
Hgh IS being used by a lot of wealthy people and doctors in the USA and around the world as an anti-aging treatment.
Reply:Easiest and simple-minded answer, as well as the simplist:
NOT ONCE have i or anyone i know of heared about a older man COMPLAIN about any of those sudden changes or enough of those symptoms to suggest he is going through menopause.
where as it seems to be a huge deal with women, it generally makes a man who has learned that he has gone through menopause without really realising it say
what the hell is the deal with this, why do they even complain? (insert one million different woman related menopausal jabs here) and you see what happens in the masses.
Reply:Men have more important things to obsess over.
Reply:It starts in their late thirties, and they have sexual performance problems, and blame them on their wife, and then think that if they could only date someone younger, that would get it up. Then they finally admit that they have a problem and take Viagra, ten years after they needed it....
At least women in menopause can have sex and multiple orgasms. No pregnancy and better orgasms! I have a lot to look forward to, except the men won't be able to keep up. Maybe that's why older women date younger men?
Reply:it's a man's world today... like it was in the middle ages.... with only allowings for women where men deem fit.
but i can see a little light at the end of the tunnel... maybe the time when men and women are really on a par is not far off.... we hope that anyway!!!
Reply:Of course they know it exist. Their ego just can't take it...
Reply:Looks like my thirties will be the worst of my problems. I'd sure like a harley, though. Cheaper than a minivan. Gas costs a lot, you foolish bastards with your hasty generalizations.
Reply:And your point is?
Is this some sort of attempt at male-bashing?
Do you think men are all brainless, emotionless zombies?
"Menopausal" men make fun of themselves and each other every day.
If you would like me to send you some of the emails I get, I will, but you would be embarrassed out of your mind.
Reply:The biggest concern during andropause is bone density loss which can be stalled and slowed down with proper treatment. Men need to be knowledgeable about their bodies. With such a large demographic group as are the Baby Boomers getting close to 70 years old, we'll be hearing much more about andropause as a society. Older men DO discuss andropause. Here is a brief introduction to this male aging process:
Reply:Its called just getting old.
Reply:Just sounds like life and/or getting old to me. Look, I really never heard of Andropause and I'm not interested in worring about things like that. I'd prefer to be ignorant. Thanks. I don't care if women joked about it. I'd laugh with them too and still not know what the hell is the big deal. Are they laughing because those men feel the same pains of menopause that they do?
BTW, if us guys say that we didn't know about it, then we don't know about it :). But you ladies feel like men are all liars huh....Bad bad stereotypes. Practice what you preach!
PS - Mature women? Mature in what sense? Age or attitude? I'm going to assume that it is age you're talking about. The ridicule against "mature" women is in the "grown-up acting" sense and has nothing to do with age.
Reply:Why do you think the sale of E.D. drugs are through the roof? The Baby Boomer men are hitting andropause and not happy about it.
Reply:i don't get what the big deal is. our bodies and hormones change from the time you are conceived in the womb until you decompose in your grave. change is constant.
Reply:Perhaps the reason why its unheard of or why anyone knows about it is because of our society and what the 'perfect' man stands for. Like us and menopause, its a horrible and 'can be' an embarassing thing to be going through.
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