Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What to do and what to take to regulate hormones?

some weight gain, problem skin, hair growth could be due to irregular there a way to normalize this?

What to do and what to take to regulate hormones?
No BrooklynChk, not to use a medicines, by itself without prescription of doctor. One solution might simply be to use common sense. Low hormones or not, it’s essential to take in enough essential amino acids and different forms of protein. Many people’s protein intake is limited and unvarying: just red meat, chicken and eggs. Also meat, poultry, nuts, eggs, fish, dairy, beans, and vegetables.

This approach is helpful for all of us, but especially for human with irregular hormones – whether it’s the real thing or not. Dark chocolate can be helpful too. So be sure to eat well and exercise. Give yourself what your brain needs to function well and create harmony in your being. Apply your thoughts to the constructive self-healing that is possible.

You writte about weight gain, problem skin, hair growth, yes it is irregular hormones and you need to regain the natural hormone balance of your body. With proper support, your body is perfectly capable of achieving a proper hormonal balance. But this needed to do under control a doctor.

Jason Homan
Reply:I recommend checking out Prolief or Phyto-Prolief. They are natural balancing creams that balance your horomones. Phyto-Prolief is used at an alternative to Horomone Replacement Therapy also. It is sold by a company called Arbonne. All of their products are all natural and are wonderful. A lot of women in my family use either one of these creams and has worked wonders, especially for those who are going through menopause.

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