Skin cancer is the unusual growth of skin cells. Getting too much sun can lead to skin cancer. Cancer of the skin is the most common of all cancers. Skin cancer hap- pens mostly to older, light-skinned people.
What is the actual meaning of "light-skinned" people?
it means people with light skin?
pretty much the further up north your family came from the higher risk you are. the less melanin in your skin the less protection you have
Irish people with light hair blue eyes fair skin and freckes are at very high risk
older people are more likely to get skin cancer because they have lived longer so have had more exposure to the sun also there was no sunscreen when they were kids. and they are weaker in general from age
Reply:it means people with fair skin, blond headed people with blue me. i have to wear a hat and sunscreen when i'm going to be outside for a lengthy time. or i'll burn.
Reply:Melanin give sthe skin its color and contributes to the color of the hair and eyes as well. It is a pigment and it offers some protection against harmful UV rays.
People with less melanin have lighter shades of skin color. Therefore, less melanin = less skin color = less protection aginst the sun %26amp; increased risk of developing skin cancer.
Reply:'Caucasian' is generally used to describe 'light-skinned' people. The shade of 'light' may vary, but it distinguishes from 'black' or 'oriental' or 'east indian'.
There are also many 'aboriginal' peoples about the earth who aren't classed with any of the others, although their ancestry may have 'collided' at some time in the distant past.
Some 'light-skinned' people tend to have very 'swarthy' complexions, or realtively dark, but they still aren't 'black' or 'oriental', or 'east indian', so they are all considered to be 'caucasian'.
Obviously, race plays a part in all this.
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