Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How do I get rid of in-grown hairs after epilating?

I didn't have the problem of hairs growing under the skin until I start epilating. It's very annoying as the in-grown hairs make my skin prickly and yet I can't get rid of it. Is there a good way to solve this problem?

Btw, even after I epilate thoroughly, I can't seem to get rid of all the hairs. By right, the hair should have been plucked from the roots but it somehow snap or something so I can see a black dot on the pore and when I rub my finger on the area in the opposite direction of the hair growth, the skin feels prickly even though I had just epilated it. If the hair snap, does it mean the pore will widen and the hair will grow out thicker? How do I solve this?

Btw, I use BrAun silk-epil.



How do I get rid of in-grown hairs after epilating?
ingrown hairs are caused by hair trying to come through but getting stuck under skin that hasn't sloughed off yet. Just get a loofa, from wal mart or something, suds up and scrub! Using a loofa everytime you shower will take care of your ingrown hair problems forever. It sloughs off skin that hasn't shed itself and allows hair to grow through naturally, you don't have to scrub hard or use special soaps or anything. Just wash your body as you would normally.
Reply:i do the same thing and what i do is use tweezers to pluck them out or at least take the skin off the top. after a while this will stop happening because your body will get used to it.
Reply:Here's a way :

GooD LucK !! :)
Reply:First of all maybe you should go to a profesional beautician and ask for advice. Maybe epilator silk-epil is not right for you, try wax! I have been epilating my legs with epilator for about 10 years and I have to tell you that in-grown hairs are a normal thing but you should not have them a lot. A few of them on a leg is normal. I solve this problem with tweezers! If the hair snaps it will grow thicker, it's the same thing if you shave your legs wit a razor! My advice is to try wax or go to a profesional beautician! Good luck!
Reply:get a perrminut hair color

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