Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I just found this pea sized lump-thing and ooobbbbvvviooously, the natural thing to do is give it a squeeze and see if anything comes out, so I did and instead of puss or anything that you would expect to come out of a spot (even though it didn't look like a spot)...loads of blood came out and this lumpy ball of hard skin which i had to pull out once I had finished squeezing!!:S Anyway so what do we think!? My boyfriend thinks it's worthy of visiting the doctor , I think that would be way over the top but he's got me worrying now!?!?

(it's not a sebaceous cyst, as I say, its not puss that comes out, it's a ball of hard, lumpy skin, like a growth)

That sounds creepy. Just to be on the safe side I would have it checked by your physician.
Reply:it doesn't sound anything usual for your saftey go seea doctor
Reply:just to be safe, i would go see a doctor :). good luck
Reply:gimme a steak knife and solarcaine ill take care of it
Reply:see a doctor. NOW!!!!!
Reply:What part of the body? Sounds very strange.

I would still at least CALL like the nurse like and ask what it COULD be. Then decide to go in or not.
Reply:I would just keep an eye on the problem, and if it doesn't clear up in a few day, definitely see a primary care doctor, if you have good insurance, a dermatologist.
Reply:u should see a doctor
Reply:Sometimes a hair can grow in on itself and the body starts to form a hard substance around the hair to protect itself from further intrusion or infection. It can stay like that for months and when you find it and pop it, it is exactly like you describe. I would keep an eye on it and if it grows back then you might have it looked at for infection.


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