Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cats: does applying hemorrhoid cream to skin stimulate hair regrowth?

Cat losing hair on stomach. Also has lost hair around neck from collar use; will not grow back in. Someone told me hemorrhoid cream will stimulate re-growth but I'm skeptical and worried if he ingests it.

Cats: does applying hemorrhoid cream to skin stimulate hair regrowth?
Hi there...generally, the hair growth will return on it's own over a long period of time. Hemorrhoid cream is toxic to cats and when they groom themselves they will ingest this.
Reply:I would definitely NOT do that. Your cat WILL ingest it because he will lick it and try to get it all off. That is the weirdest thing that I've ever heard.

On a side note, I've never heard anything about that being a side effect from using the cream where it is intended to be used. That would just be gross and I doubt anyone would use it for hemorrhoids if growing hair there was the end result.
Reply:I certainly would NOT use that cream, until I checked w/vet, and told him what the ingredients were. SO MANY products that are made for humans are toxic to (will kill) cats! So, why take the chance? The reason your cat is losing the hair is probably some kind of stress. When stressed, cats will LICK their hair off in spots, til that area is bald. As for the hair loss from the collar, I have 3 cats who have no hair there, for the same reason. But, it doesn't hurt anything, and gradually the other hair will cover the area, where it's hardly noticable. So, I wouldn't worry about the hair loss, and I sure wouldn't put hemorroid cream on him. If he licks his skin til it's raw, it IS ok to put Neosporin on it....that won't hurt him. Good luck, hope this helps.

Plerase check with your vet as there may be a medical reason why this is happening or it may be nothing to worry about.

But do not use human medicines on your cat. Also the very idea sounds ridiculous!!
Reply:Toxic. I believe it also states on the side of the box that even humans can't take it 'internally'. That says volumes.

Go with a good diet, proper nutrition gives the skin all it needs in the way of regeneration.

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