My 11-12 year old yorkshire terrier has growths on the side of his face. When we took him to the vet for his shots, we asked her about them, and she said they were being caused by special fluid producing cells in his skin. I don't know if she used the exact term cyst. But she drained them and gave us a syringe to drain them in the future. At first he only had 2, but he has been growing more, and only on his face. After we drain them, it takes about a month to fill back up again to the size they were. The biggest is slightly smaller than a golf ball. We can't afford surgery to take care of them. Does anyone know of any less invasive and more inexpensive way to get rid of these growths? Also, the dog has been growing what look like liver spots, and has maybe 2 or 3 solid growths on various parts of his body. A seasoned dog raiser said her dogs had similar growths, and they were diagnosed as fat deposits. I wonder if these spots and growths have anything to do with this facial growths?
My poor puppy...?
The ones you describe on the face sound like cyst to me and if thats the case the only way to get rid of them is to have them removed. Sorry
Reply:That's so sad!
Reply:That is sad give your baby a kiss for me.
Reply:I'm really not sure if there is any inexpensive way to get rid of the growths other than surgery to remove them but even then they can grow back. My 15yr old dog has a small one by his ear that keeps on opening up. He had a big one on the under side of his leg right by his paw that one drained and eventually shrank down alot so he's not bothered by it anymore. I've been told by my vet not much to do about the drainage that comes off of it. It's all part of a dog getting older. I just try to do my best with keeping it clean and watch it regularly for any signs of changing in shape or color. So far my vet's drained a few that he's had on his jaw line and throat once to. I really am not sure there's anything that really can be done. My vet called them cysts. But to watch them closely like I have if they get real big or start to cause him any discomfort or pain.
Reply:you just called your dog a god! but i couldnt agree more! arnt they all so adorable!!!???
Reply:I'm sorry....
Reply:Please figure out a way to get this taken care of. I get so angry when people have pets and they say "we can't afford this or that".. If it was your child you would figure out a way. In my books our dogs are family memebers... Get her to the vet and get it fixed for heavens sake. I am not a rich person by any means, but my dogs are my kids and if they need medical help they will get it. Just do it!!!
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