Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Growth on my Cockatiel's Wing...?

I have just noticed a growth of some sort on my cockatiel's wing. It is about the size of a marble and looks to be the same color as her skin, pink. The only other thing different with her is that she has some brown "discharge" in her nostrils. Since we have no avian vets where I live, does anyone have any info they can share with me, so that I can try to figure out what may be wrong with her? She's not showing any signs of discomfort or pain... but I know they are great at hiding pain if they do have it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Growth on my Cockatiel's Wing...?
It could be a tumor or possibly an abscess. My main concern is the discharge, which in birds is never a good thing, no matter what color it is. You need to get her to an Avian vet immediately. This could, and most likely will if it progesses much further, a life threatening concern. Since the discharge is colored, this indicates a specific problem, and not simply a cold. Health problems in birds progress rapidly, so time is a major concern. Find a vet in the nearest city to you, and take her there. I am sure you love her, and want the best for her. There are few successful homopathic methods to treat birds that are worth anything, so take the drive and get her healthy.
Reply:Thanks to everyone who responded. Since there are no avian vets in our province and our province is an island... there is not even a long drive to see a specialist. But, I am going to call the vet our dogs visit and see what she can suggest. Thanks again everyone :) Report It

Reply:It does sound like a tumor of some sort. The fact that there is discharge coming out of her cere (nostrils) is not a good sign. You should definitely find an avian vet, no matter how far and take her there immediately. Call around first and see what kind of advice you get and go with the avian vet you feel most comfortable with and who has the most experience.

I know you may have to travel a long distance to take her in but since there's discharge (brown at that) coming out of her nostrils, you really don't have an option other than NOT taking her in and risk her suffering a slow end.

I wish you the very best.
Reply:I would look 4 a vet in another town. take her to it.That is the best thing to do.
Reply:It doesn't sound like a tumor, not at all, but it could be a cyst... A bird is no different than any other animal and capable of having human like issues... A tumor that size would be causing more damage to your bird... The discharge is not a good sign, and that should be looked at... Birds can breath from their mouth's as well, however their brain will not always process that information as a human would and could actually cause them to suffacate in that substance...
Reply:i don't think the bird is gonna get better by itself.

If it's cancer maybe a regular vet can help? if it's some fungus of some sort you need an avian vet.
Reply:Very sad that there are no Avian Vets, I would take my bird to the vet straight away in another town if that were the case.

I agree with the other users, it does sound like some kind of tumor.


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