Monday, August 23, 2010

Bull terrier staff x?

have 6mths old pup 32 lbs. how big when fully grown?. he has lots of loose skin ,is this is a good sign of more growth?.thanks for help in advance

Bull terrier staff x?
Staffys keep growing until they are between 2 and 3 years of age. They stop growing in height about 12 to 18 months and they grow in width up to the age of 3. They all grow at different rates and have periods of growth spurts and periods where they dont seem to be growing at all. And just when you think theyre fully grown they grow again. Bull Terriers can have more height than a staffy as they dont have any particular height in their breed standard unlike the staffy. Some bullies are short and some are taller. Some are really chunky and some are not so. Seeing what the parents are like will give you an indication of what size your pup may turn out like. Usually alot of loose skin on these breeds is a sign of alot more growing and/or filling out for him yet, but staffies can have a bit of loose skin around their mouths anyway. Hes got a bit of growing to do I can assure you. My boy is 18 months old and is still smaller than his mum and dad and is definately still chunking out. Good luck, top choice in dog!
Reply:It's hard to tell. The loose skin is mostly because he's still a puppy. How big were his parents? This is your best indicator. If you don't know, there's not much else I can tell you other than he'll be done filling out by 3.

ETA: I doubt he's fully grown if he's a staffy mix... I'd give it until he's a year old before he reaches his full size.
Reply:(loose skin) maybe that is just a part of his genetics. ask your vet, but at 6 months he should be fully grown.
Reply:Same answer I gave you when you posted this exact question yesterday.

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