About six weeks ago I began noticing a small growth on my lip in the left corner of my mouth. It was more like a skin tag. It began growing rapidly after that and is now about the shape and size of a small butter bean but the base of it is still like a skin tag. I know its not a cold sore or fever blister or anything like I have ever seen before. It is the same color and texture as my lips. It does not burn or itch or hurt in anyway but it is very annoying and noticeable. Does anyone have a clue?
I have a growth on my lip. Does anyone know what it could be? Please Help!?
It could be a mucocele.
See picture in
or a fibroma see
To be sure see a doctor in Otolaryngology
Reply:go to the doctor..NOW
Reply:Go to the doc but its probably just a coldsore.
Reply:Have you ever considered seeing a doctor? I've found them the most informative people to ask health questions.
Reply:Listen to Orlandobloom.
Reply:You need to go to the doctor and be referred to the surgeon so they can take a needle biopsy or excise it (quick and simple) to be biopsied. If it has been rapidly growing then you need to have it ananlyzed by a pathologist.
Could be a benign lipoma, could be a malignant lesion.
Reply:it could be a blind pimple. i get them sometimes on my lip, and its so deep that it just makes a MASSIVE lump and i have to use a pin to pop it, but it could be a tumor, so go to the docters and get it checked out
Reply:probably a blister my friend had it once
Reply:Probably REALLY bad acne, go to the doctor, he/she'll know what to do
Reply:Sounds like the Gallopping Crud. Head Orlando's advice at once
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