Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hair Growth Success Stories/Tips?

My curiousity has gotten the best of me, I have a few questions..

I've been using Hair, Skin, %26amp; Nails from GNC for almost a week now, but have been wondering any success stories with this product?

Also, I've heard Tail %26amp; Mane Shampoo (please correct me if that's not what it's called) makes hair much healthier for faster growth, I've used it and it just dried out my hair, any sucess stories?

Oh and one more, Brocata Miracle Shampoo/Conditioner I was told it could make hair grow healthier for faster growth, stories?

Advice is also greatly appreciated =)


Hair Growth Success Stories/Tips?
I doubt that shampoos can make your hair grow faster.

It's better to take oral supplements to make your hair grow faster, like orthosilicic acid. (I take this and have the impression my hair grows faster)

Other vitamins that help: if your body is in good health, you can maximize your genetic growth cycle through taking the proper blend of amino acids and B-vitamins.

It is also important to include B-6, biotin, Inositol and folic acid in the supplemental program. It has been found that certain minerals including magnesium, sulfur, silica and zinc are also very important toward maintaining healthy hair.

Beta-carotene is also essential to hair growth. This is because it is converted to vitamin A as the body needs it, helps maintain normal growth and bone development, protective sheathing around nerve fibers, as well as promoting healthy skin, hair and nails.

You can also cut your hair (just a little bit) when the moon is waxing, to make your hair grow thicker and faster.
Reply:get a lot of vitamins in that actually really helps your hair grow
Reply:don't heat dry hair. dont bunch hair on top of head smooth it out. don't wrap hair in towl bot dry use a wide toth comb and use a deep conditionerd once a weekdon't die it rub your scalp every time you was ...wash every other day treat it nice and gentle

read the posts and threads here. The information will help you understand your hair growth.

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