well he told me he thinks i have pcos but i have red the web sites and i just dont fit the profile!i dont have the extra hair growth, i have a perfect 28 day regular cycle, no oily or acne skin(i have skin like a babys bottom)i dont get crampy pains.I am a bit over weight but thats only cause when i met my partner 5 years ago when i was 16 it was easier for us to eat take away 3 times a day and i thought it wouldnt matter if i did it cause i was heaps skinny anyway!!(silly silly little teenager)and anything else they call "signs" i just dont have them! the only problem with me is i dont ovulate.i fell pregnant three years ago off three rounds of 50 mg clomid..i just dont think i do have it somethings just not right! he said its cause my insulin test was up but the lady told me when i had the test done to tell the doctor it might be a bit off cause i fasted for too long and that can make the test say a bit more then it should......help what do you think???
My gynaecoligist told me today i have pcos...i think he's wrong??
I was diagnosed to have Polycystic ovaries. I bleed every month, I am of a perfect healthy fit weight, no acne, no extra facial hair non of the symptoms associated...although they say not all women develop these classic symptoms.
I have also been pregnant (although we lost the baby at 22weeks).....but upon seeing a fertility specialist (after trying again for a year)and undergoing an ultrasound...there they were like a string of pearls around each of my ovaries. I have eight on my left an six on my right.
An ultra sound will I'm sure guarantee whether or not you have this,you can still fall pregnant but it reduces the chances a bit.Goodluck.
Reply:Get a 2nd opinion. Medically it's a common sense thing to make sure.
Reply:get a second opinion and ask for an ultrasound and a blood test of your hormones as well trust me i have polycystic ovaries but not polycystic ovarian syndrome..............get me.
take care and let me know who you go. cheers
Reply:I'm guessing you're about 22, right? Well, just so you know, the ONLY PCOS symptom I had at that age was annovulation. If read enough, you'll see that as you approach 30, then 40, the symptoms can really add up. It wasn't until after my DD's birth when I was 30 that I started losing my hair (male pattern), had awful skin tags, got hirsutism (extra "male" hair), gained weight, etc.
The only issue in my 20's was not being able to get pg. At age 32 I was also diagnosed with insulin resistance, which also comes along "later" with PCOS.
I think it's *wonderful* that your gyn is being so proactive with this. Even if you don't have it, it doesn't hurt to treat it. I really think you're just one of the women who don't have many symptoms and b/c you're young it's not all showing up yet.
If there are questions w/ your blood sugar, then have the test redone - at another lab if necessary.
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